Sunday Beginner Church / Junior Church
We offer special programs during Worship Service so that children can learn how to love, praise, and worship our great God. Beginner Church is for ages 3 to 5 years. Junior Church is for kindergarten thru third grade. Both classes take place during worship service at 10:00am and focus on Biblical lessons and applications with music, games, crafts, and snacks.
Kids Choir
Our children’s choir practices on Wednesday evenings at 6:30pm. Led by Fara Cummings, the children learn to serve God with their voices. Performances include our annual Christmas Concert, Missions Banquet, and Easter Service. Other special events and performances are often scheduled throughout the year.
Kids Club / Junior Kids Club
These classes are part of our Incredible Wednesdays program. Kids Club is first grade thru fifth grade (immediately following Kids Choir practice). Led by a team of energetic volunteers, the kids are challenged to memorize Scripture and dig into God’s Word. Games and snacks are part of the program each week.
Junior Kids Club is for ages 3 years through kindergarten. Immediately following Kids Choir practice, these children enjoy activities and snacks that shine light on Biblical stories and principles.
Nursery is provided for ages 0 to 2 every Sunday during Sunday School / Bible Study and Worship Service. We welcome the opportunity to care for your little ones as you join us in services!
Sunday School
Sunday School is available every Sunday morning at 9:00am for children from toddlers through high school. Mr Bill and Ms Carol teach our younger children… And Ms Gloria teaches the third thru fifth graders. Youth group (sixth thru twelfth grade) is led by our Youth Pastor, Ben Leigh. We believe that this is a special time for all children to draw close to God and His Word. Please consider making this a regular part of your family’s Sunday schedule.
Trunk or Treat

Our annual Fall Festival is a great time for families. More than 20 themed stations will be set up in our church parking lot to offer a safe and fun environment for children and adults. We don’t do the scary stuff… Just the fun stuff! Our 2024 event was so much fun! Stay tuned for information about our 2025 event!
Vacation Bible Adventure
One of the outreach highlights of our year is Vacation Bible Adventure. This program for children ages 5 to 11 is typically held Monday thru Wednesday from 9am until noon each day. Games… Snacks… Memory Verses… Bible Lessons… and FUN FUN FUN! ‘Let’s Glow Crazy’ of 2024 was a fantastic time! Many children from our community joined in the fun, with several accepting Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. Stay tuned for information about our 2025 event!

Van Ministry
Key Largo Baptist BeaChurch is committed to reaching the children of our local community. Two church vans are available to run for both Sunday and Wednesday services, picking up children in the Key Largo area and returning them upon conclusion of activities. Would you like for your child to be a part of our services? Please call the church office at (305) 451-1642 or email us to arrange transportation.